The Arabic Discovery Catalog is one of the most comprehensive bibliographic databases of Arabic culture. It currently holds more than 1.4 million records in Arabic and more than 2.8 million records containing Arabic script and continues to grow. The search box supports searches in Arabic script and delivers precise search results in an Arabic interface.
If you are looking for a resource from an Arabic country, in Arabic script, or related to Arabic culture, you are in the right place. You can filter for printed works as well as all types of electronic resources, and open access content too.
Interested in learning more or joining?
This OCLC initiative aims to gather in one place all existing Arabic records from libraries located in Arabic countries. Interested in joining? Complete the form and an OCLC representative will be in touch.
Arabic resources
Arabic script in records
Arabic language of cataloging
(As of September 2023)
The Arabic Discovery Catalog is based on WorldCat, the most comprehensive database of library collections worldwide. Data about library collections, which house some of the most authoritative and unique resources in the world, is difficult to share directly from independent library catalogs. But with WorldCat, you can increase the online presence and discoverability of your collections meaning the Arabic Discovery Catalog is not only a door to Arabic records for Arabic users, but a door to Arabic records for the world.
OCLC's team of expert catalogers and data quality specialists constantly enrich WorldCat records with new and corrected information to ensure it contains the highest quality records possible. Library staff members also enhance records in a collaborative effort making these records the industry standard for quality.
Specifically for the Arabic Discovery Catalog, OCLC staff have paid special attention to indexing records in Arabic and making sure the sorting and searching of results are accurately displayed to deliver an intuitive and seamless discovery experience.
If you want to learn more about this initiative or think your library could benefit from joining, please complete the form and an OCLC representative will be in contact.