Museum libraries around the world are struggling to promote their invaluable collections to online audiences. Rare manuscripts, artefacts, and photographs are among the many assets hidden from view.
OCLC helps transform access to your museum library collections. WorldCat and WorldShare® Management Services (WMS) open up the unique assets that museum libraries offer.
Our metadata experts will help you turn incomplete and non-standard records into a fully-accessible catalogue.
We’ll upload your catalogue to WorldCat as part of your WMS implementation, opening up your collections to global audiences.
Manage your print, digital, and electronic collections in one system, serving both library visitors and online information seekers with no extra effort.
After adopting WMS at their library, London’s Victoria and Albert Museum has experienced an increase in both hard-copy requests and electronic resource usage. Find out more in this short video.
“We have this amazing world-class library collection, and we needed a world-class tool to make it available for everyone to use.”
Find out how OCLC can help transform online access to your museum library collections. Request a free call with one of our specialists today.
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